Saturday, October 6, 2012

Just a Little Rebelious

Quite a varied weekend of experimentation. I learned a lot. I could break up my reports of this weekend all week, but I won't do that. So forgive me but this post will cover a number of topics related to the experimentation surrounding the production of this:
Remember, remember the 5th of November. I am super impressed with the detail that came through this ring sized Guy Fawkes mask. But getting enough printed to sell in the store has been... a challenge to say the least.
First of all, I tried printing 6 at a time. I didn't use the multiply plugin this time, but multiplied the mesh in Blender manually. But the result was less than satisfactory. The inactive extruder oozing problem seen in dual extruder prints is still a problem, and on this small a scale it was devistating. Dual extruders just don't play well with multiple prints.

However, printing them one at a time better results can be achieved... sometimes.
Strangely enough if I use any other combination than black and white the result is fairly clean. However, with black and white the black oozes too much and the white doesn't hide it very well. (Click the picture for more detail) Maybe there's a better, less transparent white, that I can use. I'll have to check.

The Guy Fawkes mask is available on Thingiverse. There is a single extruder version that you can print an paint on Guido's distinctive facial hair if you'd like.

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