Saturday, September 1, 2012

Somewhere over the rainbow

My new filament arrangement because putting on and taking off the filament on the back of the replicator was getting tedious. The rollers are a combination of Mano1979's and gyronictonic's spool holders. I prefer Mano1976's by the way. Easier to slide around the table. I chose those ones becaues I found a good deal on 30 count 608 bearings online. The hard part was I had to keep buying bolts and nuts. Bolts are more expensive than I expected and Ace Hardware never had enough of them. So finally I made a bolt replacement which you can see in the roller for the white spool there. Seems to work, tho it may not be the best idea I've ever had. We'll see.

So now all my colors are organized and... I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get more colors in. I'm almost out of blue and when it's out I plan to order some green and grey too.

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